
Yossi Mekelberg
Yossi Mekelberg is professor of international relations and an associate fellow of the MENA Program at Chatham House. He is a regular contributor to the international written and electronic media.
Twitter: @YMekelberg
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Israeli far right’s ‘miracle’ is a disaster for everyone else
It would take extreme (and probably unfounded) optimism, or more probably sheer insanity, to find any positives in what is currently taking place between Israel and the Palestinians. To portray it as a “miracle” brings insane ideological extremism to new heights altogether.
The case against Netanyahu speaking at the US Congress
Already, a week before taking off for a visit to Washington to address US lawmakers on July 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wings have been somewhat clipped.
Decisive UK election results leave many questions unanswered
Labour’s landslide victory in the UK general election on July 4 confirmed the most optimistic forecasts, and represented a sense of hope and trust in Sir Keir Starmer and his party to rejuvenate the country during the five-year term it has won.
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